Dry Socket
After my wisdom teeth removal I went home feeling numb and totally dazed. The Cambridge dentist that removed my wisdom teeth told me that my cheeks were going to be a little sore for about a week but when the numbness left my cheeks, I never realized I would be in so much pain. I couldn’t stop complaining about it two days after the surgery so my mom decided to call the dentist. He made us come in because he said it was more than likely that I had a dry socket.
When he looked into my mouth he said I had a very sure case of a dry socket. A dry socket can be very painful and it was. The area was a yellowish gray and had little particles of food in the hole. The dentist said I need to be a lot more careful with the foods I am eating in order for the wisdom teeth to heal properly. After he cleaned out the hole I was free to go. He told me it was going to need about six days in order to health from the dry socket.
The Cambridge dentist really helped me out. I was so glad and relieved when he was able to help me out. The removal of the wisdom teeth is painful enough as it is, but to add more to the pain with a dry socket is almost unbearable. If you think you may be suffering from a Dry socket make sure to call the dentist as soon as possible to get it repaired.