Fun dental Facts
A dentist in Hamilton says that people are always curious and ask him about fun interesting facts about dentists. While dentistry may seem like a boring career for many people, there are always new and interesting things happening in the dentist’s office. There are many interesting things about dentistry that people don't know about that we would like to share with everyone.
Some interesting facts about teeth and dentistry are:
-actors Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt have the longest teeth in Hollywood.
-80% of people around the world hate their smile.
-The average American spends 35 days brushing their teeth adding up all the time used brushing.
-Toothpicks are choked on more than any other object by Americans.
-Blue toothbrushes are used more than any other color.
-Floss was originally made of silk
-Over 33% of Americans have untreated cavities in their mouths.
-Over i.8 billion dollars are spent on toothpaste each year.
The dentist in Hamilton has provided us with many fun and interesting facts about his world and career that many people never realize. There are many interesting things to learn about in dentistry, that’s why so many people dream of becoming a dentist. It’s even more fun than it looks.