Many people know that president George Washington was a great man and an excellent ruler for our country. What many don’t know is that President Washington had some serious health issues with his teeth. A dentist in Des Moines says it’s a shame he didn’t live in today’s world where we could have taken care of his oral health problem a lot better and in a lot cleaner way as well.
George Washington began to lose his teeth in his early twenties. For the rest of his life he looked for ways to get his teeth back. His teeth were made of rhino bone, wood, and some were even made of buffalo chips. His teeth looked very strange and they didn’t work like real teeth should. Had he been alive today we could have given him dental implants or at least blended all his food up for him.
The dentist in Des Moines says that he honors George Washington for his service to our great nation and the many great things he did for this country. However he would have advised George Washington to use other methods than buffalo chips for teeth. If you have problems with your teeth falling out, don’t be happy with any replacement, see what your dentist has to offer you today.