Wisdom Teeth

     “Everybody has wisdom teeth and almost everyone at some point in their lives will need to have them removed” says a dentist in Cambridge. The wisdom teeth begin to grow in when you reach the age of fifteen or older. Signs that you need them removed are, pressure felt in the jaw line, pressure in the eyes and ears and even headaches. The wisdom teeth can be painful and remain painful until removed.

     The wisdom teeth are located in the back of the mouth and grow in at an angle. There are four of them and as they grow they begin to push against the other teeth. This is what causes the feelings of pressure. The operation to have them removed is fairly simple and only takes about five minutes per tooth. After the surgery the cheeks swell up and need about a week to two weeks to completely heal.

     The dentist in Cambridge says whether you need all four or however many of the wisdom teeth removed, the sooner they are gone the better. If left in the mouth, they can cause many oral problems in the future for the mouth and other teeth.  If you have felt any of the symptoms mentioned, talk to your dentist and see if it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed.