Dry Sockets


Did you just have your wisdom teeth removed and is experiencing severe pain in the area of the tooth removal? A dentist in Tallahassee says if so, this could be a major sign of a serious problem called a dry socket. Dry sockets occur when a tooth has been removed or lost. They can be extremely painful and need the attention of a dentist in order for them to heal and be fixed.


A dry socket is fairly easy to spot out, because the affected area turns to be a yellowish gray color. When found, it's important to see a dentist right away to fix it immediately. A dry socket is formed because the blood clot has been removed. Many times they form because the patient has begun to eat foods they should be avoiding before the dentist has given the ok. They are also formed due to spitting, sucking, smoking and other such efforts made after the loss of teeth.


The dentist in Tallahassee continues by emphasizing the importance of seeing a dentist if a dry socket does occur. They are very painful and need medical attention. The dentist will be able to fix the problem if one should occur. Healing from a dry socket usually takes a few days at the quickest, but it’s necessary for the patient to do all the dentist requires. This way the healing process is quicker and less painful.