Mouth Wash

    Many dentists all around the world recommend the use of mouth wash to their patients. A dentist in Hamilton says that mouth washes become more and more important to our oral health as we begin to have oral health problems. Mouth washes are a great way to back up toothbrushes and floss as well as helping to protect the teeth against cavities and other oral harm that may occur.

    Mouth washes are best if they have fluoride in them. Fluoride is a very important part of a mouth wash because it is the substance that helps to kill germs and bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities, bad breath and gum disease. Mouth washes should be used several times a week and the rinse cycle should last for about 30 seconds each time. Mouth washes should never be swallowed and should be approved by a dentist.

     The dentist in Hamilton says that if you are looking for a way to enhance your oral health and are already brushing and flossing on a daily basis the next best thing to use is a mouth wash in any of its many flavors. They will protect your teeth against bacteria and keep your breath fresh. Try using mouth wash today.