
     Many people (especially children) suffer from cavities every year. A dentist in Cambridge explains that a cavity is dental decay, or more simply put a hole in the teeth. These holes are formed due to the amount of time sugar and bacteria have to sit on the teeth and eat away at them. When a cavity is found it is necessary for a dentist to fix it in order to avoid the cavity developing into something worse.

     To fix a cavity the dentist will always numb the mouth before he does anything else. To numb the mouth the dentist uses a shot and you will feel a slight sting until it numbs. Once numb, the dentist proceeds to clean out the hole with a special drill. He will scrape away the gunk that is causing the cavity then fill the hole with a filling. The hole then sealed off and the cavity has been totally repaired.

     The dentist in Cambridge says that if you have a cavity make sure to get it cleaned as quickly as possible. The sooner it is healed the better for your mouth and teeth. Make sure to brush and floss on a daily basis as a way to avoid cavities and other oral health problems. Cavities can be a big problem that can be easily repaired through good oral hygiene.