Fear of the Dentist

      A dentist in Fort Lauderdale says “I will never understand why people fear the dentist.” People all over the world have an extreme fear of the dentist. They cancel appointments, the sweat, and even have nightmares about what is going to happen in their dentist appointments.  With 25% of American who fear the dentist we decided to ask people why they fear the dentist.  Here is what they said.  

     The main reason listed for fearing the dentist was fear of pain. For some reason people connect dentists to pain. If you have had cavities or other oral health problems you may experience a little bit of pain, however for simple cleanings dentists are gentle and careful to not hurt you. Others say they fear the tools they use, even the sounds of the drills and suction tubes cause fear in the hearts of many people all over the world.

     The dentist in Fort Lauderdale says there is really no reason to fear the dentist. They are there to help us fix our oral health problems and to help prevent them from occurring. Dentists are great people and would never intentionally hurt their patients. There is no need to fear the dentist.