Why people Choose Dentistry

     Millions of parents all over the world dream of their children becoming dentists. In fact a dentist in Reno said that his mother was his motivation for becoming a dentist. He said that she always filled his head with dreams of becoming a famous dentist who would clean the president’s teeth. There are many people who are dentists and we decided to ask them what their motivations were in becoming a dentist.

     Some of the common answers were, for the money, for the chicks, for the tools, and for the great knowledge gained as a dentist. One even said it was an easy way to gain a title as doctor without having to go to medical school. The most common answer was for the money. Most dentists never really have to worry about money. They make a great living with a very high income.  They are able to take care of their families and enjoy their lives more than most people. Dentistry is a great career with many great benefits for both the dentist and his family.

     The dentist in Reno finishes by saying he still hasn’t had the opportunity to clean the president of the United States’ teeth, however he has always really enjoyed his work. He makes great money and is able to take care of not only his widowed mother, but his own wife and children as well.