
My favorite sport is rugby. I’ve been playing the game since I was just a little kid. I don’t think I’ll ever quit. I have lost three teeth since I started playing and each time has been painful. Thank goodness for the implant dentist on Upper East Side. He's saved my smile three different times. With each tooth knock out, I make sure to visit the dentist on Upper East Side. He's the best at what he does and makes my smile shine.




Many people are afraid of dental implants, because they are a little costly and aren’t sure if they will work for them. However the implant process is a simple one. The dentist drills into the gums and bone where the tooth is missing, then places the implant. Alone it looks like a metal screw, but once the implant has been placed, the dentist will make a crown to match the shade and color of your teeth. It fits so nicely you barely even notice it’s not an original.




If you’re like me and love sports but are sick of getting your teeth knocked out, there’s no reason to quit. Just take a visit to the implant dentist on Upper East Side. He'll replace those teeth and you'll be able to smile while you enjoy the sports you love most. Play hard and enjoy your life. Your smile can be fixed by the best. Implant dentistry has saved my smile. Thank you dentist.