Pop Corn

     When I was about 13 years old I had a great birthday party. My dad was now working as a dentist on Upper East Side and we had a little bit more money to make this party a great one. My mom ordered a clown to come to the party, there were inflatable toys, a trampoline and a whole bunch of other stuff. I was especially excited for the popcorn my mom had made from scratch. That was only until I realized it was going to ruin my whole day.

     The party had being going on for about an hour and we decided to put in the movie we had planned to watch. My mom took out the popcorn and gave me some. I immediately stuck my hand in and shoved my face with the great buttery tasting popcorn my mom had made. As I was taking one of the final bites of popcorn I bit down on something hard and I felt my tooth crack right in half.  My dad was working so the party ended immediately and I was rushed to his office.

     Thank goodness for me my dad was now a dentist on Upper East Side. It was close to my house and he was able to repair it quickly and free of charge. I still love popcorn today, but my half fake tooth reminds me every time I eat it to be careful not to bite down too hard on the kernels. If you love popcorn, be careful, you might be making a trip to the dentist because of it.